Knitted bag

Circular knitting.


But good.


The biggest benefit of circular knitting is that you don’t lose your other needle down the side of the sofa.


Stitch markers. Vital!


A three needle cast off.

A THREE needle cast off!


Apart from fulling and then attaching the button…and maybe a lining…it’s finished.

Bit scared about fulling so I’ll park this project for now.

After trying to full by hand which involved the bathroom sink, lots of hot water and an aching back I gave up and chucked it in the washing machine with fingers crossed. The result is okay I think. I can still see the stitches and thus the pattern so it’s not over fulled.


I could still lose little things like crochet needles and tweezers through the sides of the bag so I going to have to line it and if I’m feeling brave I’ll add a few little pockets to store these things. If I’m really brave the pockets will have zips 😀

The lining is an old pyjama top which is far too beautiful to just throw away.


I’ve deconstructed the pyjama top with a sharp pair of scissors and I’ll think about the design…